Setting and Student-specific Personalized Interventions and Supports for Children with ASD (On-Demand Registration)
Setting and Student-specific Interventions for Children with ASD
Available March 6, 2023 – February 29, 2028 | 68 minutes | 0.1 ASHA CEUs
This session, combining the portrayal of several student case examples and setting-specific situations, will present proactive intervention techniques and tools to reduce challenging behaviors of students with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Empowered with best-practice techniques grounded in the positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) approach, you can transform your knowledge into constructive action to achieve desirable long-term outcomes for children with ASD. This session is part two of a three part series.
- Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding & Responding
- Setting and Student-specific Interventions for Children with ASD
- Transform Transition Meltdown to Calm-down: Strategies for Children with ASD

Presenter: Padmaja Saraty, Author & Educational Consultant
Relevant Financial Relationship: Padmaja is self-employed at her non-profit Parent Engagement for Active Child Enrichment (PEACE).
Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: Padmaja has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
Presenter Biography: Padmaja is an educational consultant and author with expertise in the fields of early childhood and special education, inspiring educators through her webinars, onsite coaching, and workshops at conferences globally. She has graduate degrees in special education, educational diagnostics, and political science.
Padmaja has written multiple books and mini-guides focusing on autism, significant and multiple disabilities, paraeducators, early childhood, mindfulness practices, special ed legal compliance. Early on, she was a diagnostician and has served as special education supervisor in Texas school district. Learn more at
She is the founder/president of a nonprofit called Parent Engagement for Active Child Enrichment (PEACE). PEACE ( mission is to empower parents/caregivers and early childhood educators with hands-on strategies to enrich children and put them on a positive school and life trajectory.
Learner Outcomes
- Identify characteristics and antecedents of challenging student behaviors
- Identify strategies and appropriate responses to challenging student behaviors
- Identify proactive strategies to prevent challenging student behaviors
- Introduction (10 minutes)
- Understanding Characteristics and Triggers (15 minutes)
- Transform Challenging Moments into skill-building learning opportunities (2 minutes)
- Environmental Supports (12 minutes)
- Visual Supports (8 minutes)
- Instructional Supports (17 minutes)
- Summary/Q&A (4 minutes)
Cost: Free
Audience: Assistants, Early Career Professionals, Related Professionals, International Affiliates, Speech-language Pathologists
Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders

ASHA CEU Requirements: Must complete the post webinar assessment with 80% accuracy. Unlimited attempts are allowed. Partial credit is not available.
Accessibility: Please email if you require any additional accessibility support. We will be happy to work with you!
Complaint: We strive to provide professional development that highlights today’s best practices. If you have complaints/concerns regarding ableU please contact We will review the complaint or concern. When appropriate, we will take action to address the issue within 10 business days.
Refund: Refunds are not available for free sessions.