The Importance of Multimodal Communication (on-demand registration)

The Importance of Multimodal Communication

Available October 12, 2023 - September 30, 2028 | 60 minutes | 0.1 ASHA CEUs

This is an introductory course to Multimodal Communication. AAC devices are great tools for communication purposes! However, does the patient have to solely rely on the use of an AAC device to functionally communicate? A multimodal form of communication encompasses the use of signs, gestures, vocalizations, words, word approximations, and/or icons. With this method, the patient is able to use any form of communication to convey a message. As SLPs, we get into the habit of focusing on only one form of communication, whether it is telling patients “Use your words please,” “Say it again but with your device, or “Good try on saying please, now sign it.” It is time to embrace any or all forms of communication as opposed to asking the patient to just pick one.