5-C Model of Communication (on-demand registration)

5-C Model of Communication How SLPs can Foster Collaboration and Strengthen Communication with Stakeholders

Available April 3, 2024 – March 31, 2029 | 63 minutes | 0.1 ASHA CEUs

Speech-Language Pathologists teach communication skills, yet they often encounter communication breakdowns during IEP meetings, parent conferences, or one-on-one conversations with colleagues.

This session introduces a conceptual framework, the 5-C Model of Communication - Conversation, Collaboration, Cooperation, Compromise, and Consensus – a guide to having productive interactions, building transparency, trust, and a shared vision.

Learning how to use this model will lead to productive conversations, avert miscommunication, and avoid meetings turning adversarial. The 5-C Model of Communication is circular. It begins with understanding how to have deep and meaningful Conversations. Conversations lead to Collaboration through mutual respect and a shared vision. Cooperation builds on Collaboration. The path to overcoming disagreements is through Compromise, the goal being reaching a mutually agreeable solution.

Participants will learn how to use this framework, moving conversations to the next level and making meetings more productive.