AAC and Transition: Life Starts at Twenty-One (on-demand registration)
AAC and Transition: Life Starts at Twenty-One
Available November 7, 2022 – November 7, 2027 | 61 minutes | 0.1 ASHA CEUs
This presentation discusses critical elements for a successful transition to adulthood. Does the AAC device transition with the student or is it owned by the school district? Do school age teams consider vocabulary selection for adult roles and relationships?
We need to consider the goals of the individual. AAC users participate in a variety of adult contexts from college to the workplace. Planning needs to start well before the age of twenty-one.

Presenter: Kathryn Helland Speech pathologist and AAC specialist
Relevant Financial Relationship: Kathryn is an employee of Temple University.
Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: Kathryn has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
Presenter Biography: Kathryn is a speech language pathologist and specializes in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). She has worked with clients with complex communication needs, including autism, cerebral palsy, and Angelman's Syndrome.
Kathryn currently teaches in the Communication Sciences and Disorders department at Temple University. She is a doctoral student and plans to do research on the experiences of AAC users in higher education.
Learner Outcomes
- Identify three considerations impacting vocabulary selection for adults who use AAC
- Identify three critical elements to a successful transition
- Identify the important aspects of developing a template transition plan for AAC Users in high school
- Introduction (4 minutes)
- History of the Disability Rights Movement (14 minutes)
- Planning for transition (10 minutes)
- Vocabulary for adulthood (6 minutes)
- Adult roles, rights, and responsibilities (10 minutes)
- Accommodations for work and higher education (6 minutes)
- AAC and Covid-19 (6 minutes)
- Questions and further resources (5 minutes)
Cost: Free
Audience: Assistants, Public/Consumers, Students, Early Career Professionals (under 5 years), Related Professionals
Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Equity, Inclusion and Influence of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

ASHA CEU Requirements: Must complete the post webinar assessment with 80% accuracy. Unlimited attempts are allowed. Partial credit is not available.
Accessibility: Please email ableU@ablenetinc.com if you require any additional accessibility support. We will be happy to work with you!
Complaint: We strive to provide professional development that highlights today’s best practices. If you have complaints/concerns regarding ableU please contact ableU@ablenetinc.com. We will review the complaint or concern. When appropriate, we will take action to address the issue within 10 business days.
Refund: Refunds are not available for free sessions.