Finding Common Ground (on-demand registration)
Finding Common Ground
Available February 6, 2023 – January 31, 2028 | 90 minutes | 0.15 ASHA CEUs
Working collaboratively with many stakeholders, even under the best circumstances, can be stressful, especially with the ongoing challenges of educating learners in the midst of an ever changing pandemic. However, once you understand about your style under stress, you can move forward to address conflicts and disagreements in your teams and educational groups. In this session Beth Poss and Gayl Bowser will team up to discuss important concepts that can help you to find common ground in proactive and positive ways. We'll use a case study approach throughout the session and invite you to bring your stories and questions.

Presenters: Gayl Bowser, MS.Ed @Assistive Technology Collaborations & Beth Poss, Educational Consulting
Relevant Financial Relationships: Gayl is one of 11 authors of the QIAT materials that have been published by CAST, for which she receives royalties.
Beth Poss has received salary from employment from Montgomery County Public Schools where she is an assistant principal, consulting fees from independent contractor work, and fees from speaking/teaching. Beth Poss is now an employee of LessonPix.
Relevant Non-Financial Relationships: Gayl serves as President of the board for two non-profit groups, the National Assistive Technology in Education (NATE) Network and the Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon (CATO) and its website.
Beth Poss is a member of the ATOB editorial board.
Presenter Biographies: Gayl Bowser, M.Ed. works as an independent consultant Her work focuses on the creation of effective, legal and high quality service systems that encourage the integration of technology into educational programs for students with disabilities. Ms. Bowser has worked as a Local Regional and State-level administrator in Oregon. Formerly the Coordinator of the Oregon Technology Access Program (OTAP) and the State of Oregon’s Specialist in Assistive Technology, Gayl currently provides special education focused consultation, training and technical assistance throughout the United States and internationally. Gayl has co-authored numerous publications about assistive technology including Leading the Way to Excellence in AT Services: A guide for school administrators, A QIAT Companion; Education Tech Points: A Framework for Assistive Technology; and Assistive Technology Pointers for Parents. Beth Poss is a school-based administrator in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) in Maryland. She has worked as an Assistant Principal, a Coordinator of Preschool Special Education Programs, as a member of the MCPS assistive technology team and as an Instructional Specialist for Universal Design for Learning. She presents nationally and internationally on best practices in teaching and learning with technology. She also serves as adjunct faculty at Johns Hopkins University in their Graduate School of Education. Beth is passionate about sharing with others the importance of Designing Inclusive Learning Environments, Effective Technology Use in Early Childhood Settings, and Culturally Responsive Teaching. Beth believes in the power of social media as a professional learning tool and you can find her on Twitter as @possbeth and on Instagram as @bethposs. She would love to have you join her PLN!
Learner Outcomes
- Describe differences between disagreement and conflict
- Identify their personal communication style and approach to conflic and disagreement
- Identify five dysfunctions of a team
- Introduction (4 minutes)
- Objectives (2 minutes)
- Change as the source of conflict/disagreement (29 minutes)
- Conflict Style (18 minutes)
- Five Dysfunctions of a Team (15 minutes)
- Dynamics of Group Decision-Making (15 minutes)
- Inquiry Technique Case Study (5 minutes)
- Q&A (2 minutes)
Cost: Free
Audience: Assistants, Public/Consumers, Students, Early Career Professionals, Related Professionals, International Affiliates, Speech-language Pathologists
Topic Area: Leadership and Professional Issues

ASHA CEU Requirements: Must complete the post webinar assessment with 80% accuracy. Unlimited attempts are allowed. Partial credit is not available.
Accessibility: Please email if you require any additional accessibility support. We will be happy to work with you!
Complaint: We strive to provide professional development that highlights today’s best practices. If you have complaints/concerns regarding ableU please contact We will review the complaint or concern. When appropriate, we will take action to address the issue within 10 business days.
Refund: Refunds are not available for free sessions.